Mud crab is a type of marine animal "crustaceans" species which shellfish such as shrimp. mud crabs, also known as mangrove crabs.scientific name is SYCLLA SERRATA. breeding habitat for this is crabs and live around mangrove swamp and muddy. Mud crabs breed with spawn its eggs. These crabs can grow up to 4 kg in weight each. This crab is from "carnivor 'or malignant species.
Mud Crabs / mangroves crabs that have eggs got a higher
price than others. Before crabs being tied placed them in clean water several
time. After that tie his legs with a rope and then put into barrels or other
location and cover it with damp cloth as a moisturizer.
so far there are no
problems for market this crabs. Even the local demand is not enough. Regarding
the general price depending on where it is marketed amongst RM 15.00 to RM25.00 with size between 3 -4
per kg.
big size = RM30 per kilo (600g-on)
medium size = RM25 per kilo (400g-599g)
small size = RM24 per kilo (300g- 399g)
This species can only survive in brackish and saline water.
It is extremely sensitive with rain water. The water depth at least 3 feet deep. Cos if superficial, when consecutive
rain in 3 days , water will quickly turn into freshwater. Another, pool water flow
should be count as well. make sure that river water is always flowed into the
pool for cleaning purposes, because dirty water can cause this crab is infected
by bacteria. Furthermore, the skin copying process will only happen if the pool
water is clean.
male mud crab |
female mud crab |
Normally the male crabs has a pair of clips that is larger than
his body but the female crabs has bigger body than her clips
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