
1. flexible rod,sensitive tip and small rings .
2. small size spinning reel.
3. thin monofilament line,size 1-2lbs mainline with 2-8 lbs leader .
4. use special shrimp hook or without hooks or circle hooks ( barbless ) size 9-12
5. sinkers not too heavy 


the favorite bait  for big prawn is  live small shrimp(udang beras) , clear colour , red eyes and fresh . Other baits can also be used for fishing as earth worms , milk worm , mangrove worms and umpun-umpun . As for ' calling shrimp ' use burned coconut which is broken .

small shrimp/udang beras


Tips to choose the time and place

Big prawn fishing should not be at the time of high tide and weather with high rainfall. The best time to fish big prawn is in times of drought and low tide. big prawn usually very aggressive at night. big prawn  usually stay among a pile of wood that is submerged in the river. Moreover big prawn are also often play on the riverbed.

Some things to consider to determine the 'area' big prawn at bottom of the river is as follows:

1. Get to know the basic structure of the river where we fished. Often the riverbed shaped meander bends and bumpy square.

2. On the river is usually quite slow water flow or runoff is not too heavy.

3. In the fast water flow is the deeper areas, while slow flow the opposite

Here is a characteristic or habit of big prawn eating:
 1. If the shrimp weighs 300 gm, the bait will hold the bait then continue to run and the rod tip down curvy.
2. For the medium size shrimp,rod ends will be held and pulled. This is because the shrimp eat slowly until the rod tip will plunge like a small fish that eat.
 3. For small-sized shrimp are usually diets similar to those of medium size, we should often to 'monitor' by raising the rod tip and when there are heavy feel so the bait is eaten.

big prawn Fishing must be patient, gentle and soulful. At the bait is eaten by shrimp,the rod will bend, we do not hold the rod because maybe will miss. sometimes shrimp not likely fish,so do not hold the rod. Lift the rod slowly while slowly winding reel with the rod tip position above the shrimp so strap perpendicular to the surface of the water. Shrimp usually when exposed hook will hold backwards and bend his body, if yanked or pulled too strong will make its mouth ripped by the hook and miss

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